Fact Check: “The Quran Says Nothing About Homosexuality”


the quran book

10/12/2021, “LGBT in Islam” – Wikipedia:

“The Quran narrates the story of the “people of Lut” destroyed by the wrath of God because the men engaged in lustful carnal acts between themselves. Within the Quran, it never states that homosexuality is punishable by death, and modern historians conclude that the Islamic prophet Muhammad never forbade homosexual relationships.”

Muslim LGBT activists like Faisal Alam would agree this too. Let’s find out if this is true or not.

Contextual/Related Verses from the Quran

Surat Al-A’raaf 7:81: “You approach men with desire, instead of women. Rather, you are a transgressing people.” (translation by Sahih International)

No punishments, yet. Some might say this is just bias, but not necessarily saying “homosexuals are bad” just that God in Islam views homosexuality as excessive/transgressing.

7:84, Allah let rain (of stones) fall on Lu(o)t, and stated that Lu(o)t were criminals.

Forget about homosexuality, “Qawm Lut” in Islam (or Lot in Christianity) were indeed wrongdoers. They committed rape and incest.

Surat Al-Shu’ara 26:166 & 26:167: “leaving the wives that your Lord has created for you? In fact, you are a excessive/transgressing people.” (translation by Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran).

Same thing with the other verses (29:23-30, 27:56, 7:80-84). Just God in Islam viewing homosexuality as being excessive or transgressing. Nothing specifically says they were punished for being homosexual, mostly shows that they were punished for robbery, rape, evil deeds, etc. according to the Quran NOT Hadith.

Hadith is where the condemning of homosexuality is written (which a good amount of Muslims would say could easily be fabricated or not fully reliable). Hadiths are alleged quotes of the prophet Muhammed, with accounts of his daily practice (the Sunnah).

Nothing else is clear when it comes to stuff other than Homosexuality such as Transgender-ism and/or Lesbians (one hadith talks about eunuchs). While some Hadiths seem to be against homosexuality, some others seem to not be against it; which seems contradictory like many other authentic Hadiths.

We have to keep in mind that different interpretations and translations/exegeses have changed over the centuries. If it was a sin, it would’ve been mentioned in the Quran, not Hadith, or at least both.


The Quran DOES say things about homosexuality, but it does not state that it is punishable by death or anything clear about being homosexual and going to hell or heaven. Mostly just seems as if God in Islam views homosexuality as being transgressing/excessive, which some people wouldn’t say is homophobic and some would say it is.